Tuesday 31 March 2015

Reflections On My Digital Life

Digital Life

I was pretty surprised because I got most of the answers wrong.One of the questions was have you ever been in a car when someone was texting and the answer was 48 percent and I was kinda surprised by that. Another question was how many people had a facebook in 2011 and the answer was 500 million and I didn't think that many people had facebook. I use my phone the most, because I always have it with me so if I need to look something up I just take it out.

The Digital Life

The upside to digital life is you can talk to your family and you friends. The downside to digital life is people could start to say stuff to you and bully you. 

Monday 30 March 2015

Journal Entry 5

Mr. Savoy came to our class and talked about online safety. He told us people were starting to be more public on the internet but we shouldn't be. He showed us a video about a guy going around and he would go on peoples instagrams then he would find the person and would call them there name and he didn't even know who they were, but he was just on there instagram. Another thing Mr. Savoy told us was we shouldn't share information with people you don't know or share passwords.

I picked this video because cyber bullying is really bad to do to somebody.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Journal Entry 4

In the video that we watched in class there was people that said stuff on Facebook and got in trouble for it. One person broke into a house took a computer then took a picture with the computer and put it on Facebook the police then found out who the person was and took him to jail. A person said on Facebook she was having a birthday but she sent it to people she didn't even know and there was a lot of people that went to it. I learn you should not share your information with people you don't no because bad things can happen when you do that.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Journal Entry 3

I am kinda a gamer because I do play games when I am bored but I would rather go fourwheeling then playing games. I do talk about game sometimes with my friends. I don't really consider myself a gamer really big gamer but I do play games. I do have my own console and it is a ps3. I don't play games on computers or on any other things. My favourite games are grand theft auto 5 and call of duty advanced warfare.I did like using sploder because it was fun to use, it was kinda hard to move some blocks around.I cant see myself being a game developer.      

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Journal Entry 2

What I learned about web 2.0 and cloud computing is it is easy to save and store your pictures.I like how you can store all off your pictures on cloud computing. I picked a video on 2015 corvette technology and how they are better compared to the older corvettes. What I liked about Google drive was it was easy to work on my project.What I found confusing about Google drives was something were hard to use but it was pretty easy to use.